Payment Methods
To join or renew online, acceptable payment is by credit card or ACH (automatic withdrawal from your bank).
- You will receive an online confirmation and an email receipt for your payment.
Note: ONLY the local League portion of the membership dues will be tax deductible. The email receipt will show the 20% of your dues going to our local League and can serve as your tax receipt.
- Your membership dues payment will show up as three transactions on your statement; one each to LWV-GCV and LWVWI and LWVUS.
If you join or renew online and prefer to pay by check, please make your check out to “LWVUS”, but mail your check and form to LWV-GCV, P.O. Box 75, Menomonie, WI 54751.
LWV-GCV accepts cash, checks, credit card, PayPal for donations and events. If you use a credit card or PayPal, there is an option to add a convenience handling fee to your membership fee.
If you would like to request financial assistance with dues, or gift someone a membership, please Contact Us.